To encourage the distribution of useful, high quality software in geometry processing, we are instituting an award for freely available software related to or useful for geometry processing. Please send nominations and applications for the software award to

The nomination should include a description of the software and its functionality as well as a justification why and to what extend the Geometry Processing community benefits from this software. Links to the code and additional material should also be included if possible. Every software project is eligible as long as:

  1.  it can be counted as a Geometry Processing contribution

  1. it is available for free to academic researchers in the field (i.e. for non-commercial use)

A jury will evaluate all nominations and select a winner based on the usual quality criteria for software. The most predominant criterion, however, will be

the impact, i.e. to what degree has the software affected the scientific progress in the field.



New This Year: Software Award

Ninth Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH


symposium on geometry processing

Rolex Learning Center, EPFL

The SGP Software Award is sponsored by Geometry Factory.                                  

This year’s  software award recipients were Michael Kazhdan and Matthew Bolitho, for their release of the code for Poisson Surface Reconstruction. Congratulations!