Philippe Block is Assistant Professor of Structural Design at ETH Zurich since 2009. He has multi-disciplinary research interests including graphical design and analysis techniques, computational form finding and optimization, and structural and architectural geometry. He obtained his PhD from MIT in 2009 for the development of a novel computational method for assessing the safety of historic vaulted structures in masonry and for designing efficient, freeform compression structures, awarded by e.g. the Hangai Prize from the International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures in 2007. Collaborating with architects and engineers, Block applies his research into practice for the structural assessment of historic monuments and the engineering of novel compression structures with projects ranging from unique vaults in cut stone to sustainable construction solutions for developing countries.


symposium on geometry processing

Rolex Learning Center, EPFL

Ninth Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH

Invited Speakers